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To start a Secret Chat, you can either tap on the option in the hamburger menu and select a contact to start the chat. Alternatively, you can go to an existing chat, tap on the top bar for the user’s information and scroll down to find the β€œStart Secret Chat” option at the very bottom of the page. Once you tap on the option, the other person will have to accept your invitation to initiate the Secret Chat. Go to Settings > Chat Settings to create your own theme. Telegram allows you to manage the device storage: you can choose to delete media (photos, videos, and other files) shared on the app. All files will be deleted from your device after the specified duration, but they will stay in the Telegram cloud forever, so you can re-download them when you need them again. There is also an option to delete the cache and local database.

Enable Auto-Night Mode Turn on Secret Chat Manage When Old Sessions are Automatically Terminated Terminate old sessions

Request to join a public group Furthermore, you can view how much Mobile or WiFi data you have consumed so far. Just tapping on β€œData Usage”, and it will show you β€œBytes sent” and β€œBytes received” of individual file types. Can Telegram be used on PC? The profile videos of premium users will animate for everyone throughout the app – including in chats and the chat list. Let everyone see your new look, or flex your creativity with a unique looping animation.

Telegram is all about privacy and security, and it isn't beholden to larger companies like Facebook. Now, tap Profile Photo. Now, you have three options:

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